16 Email Templates for Following Up on Unpaid Invoices

Yassine Chabli

<p>Unpaid invoices can be a significant challenge for businesses, affecting cash flow and operations. For professionals, business leaders, and financial managers, it&#39;s essential to have effective communication strategies in place. Here are 16 email templates designed for various situations, each with a specific objective to help you recover outstanding payments.</p>
<p>Don’t miss our <a href="https://www.billabex.com/en/blog/accounts-receivable-management">comprehensive guide on following up on unpaid invoices</a>.</p>
<p>We have also prepared other formats of <a href="https://www.billabex.com/en/blog/reminder-templates">reminder templates</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Template 1: Friendly First Reminder</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Gently remind the client of the due date without being aggressive.</p>
<p>Circumstances: Use this for a first reminder shortly after the due date.</p>
<p>Subject: Payment Reminder for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>I hope you are well. I&#39;m writing to remind you that invoice #[invoice number] for the amount of [amount] was due on [date].</p>
<p>It&#39;s possible that the payment has already been made. If so, please disregard this message.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 2: Follow-Up After 7 Days</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Send a polite follow-up one week after the initial reminder.</p>
<p>Circumstances: Appropriate when no payment is received after the first reminder.</p>
<p>Subject: Follow-Up on Unpaid Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>I am reaching out regarding invoice #[invoice number] amounting to [amount], issued on [date]. We have yet to receive your payment.</p>
<p>Please ensure this matter is resolved at your earliest convenience. Feel free to reach out if you need further details.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 3: Follow-Up After 14 Days</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Emphasize the importance of settling the account.</p>
<p>Circumstances: Use when the payment is 14 days overdue.</p>
<p>Subject: Second Reminder for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We noticed that invoice #[invoice number], for the amount of [amount], remains unpaid despite our previous reminder.</p>
<p>Please settle this amount by [new deadline]. If you are facing difficulties, feel free to contact us to discuss a possible arrangement.</p>
<p>Thank you for your understanding.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 4: Phone Follow-Up with Email Confirmation</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Reinforce payment request after a phone call.</p>
<p>Circumstances: After confirming payment delay through a phone conversation.</p>
<p>Subject: Confirmation of Our Phone Conversation</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>Following our phone conversation on [date], regarding invoice #[invoice number] for [amount], we agreed to expect payment by [new date].</p>
<p>If you need further information, do not hesitate to reach out. </p>
<p>Thank you for your cooperation.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 5: Payment Plan Offer</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Provide flexible solutions to encourage payment.</p>
<p>Circumstances: When the client faces financial difficulties.</p>
<p>Subject: Payment Plan Proposal for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We understand that financial challenges can arise. To help you settle your invoice #[invoice number] amounting to [amount], we are willing to offer a structured payment plan.</p>
<p>Please contact us to discuss terms that work best for you.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 6: Final Warning Before Penalties</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Warn about potential consequences of non-payment.</p>
<p>Circumstances: After multiple reminders have been ignored.</p>
<p>Subject: Final Reminder Before Penalties for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>Despite our previous reminders, invoice #[invoice number] for [amount] remains unpaid. Please be advised that late fees will apply starting [date].</p>
<p>We urge you to resolve this matter promptly to avoid additional charges.</p>
<p>Thank you for addressing this with urgency.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 7: Reminder for Small Amounts</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Efficiently handle small unpaid invoices.</p>
<p>Circumstances: For minor but accumulated outstanding amounts.</p>
<p>Subject: Reminder of Outstanding Balance #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We have noticed that the balance for invoice #[invoice number], amounting to [amount], remains unpaid. While this is a small amount, it is important to settle it.</p>
<p>Please make the payment at your earliest convenience.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 8: Reminder for Regular Clients</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Maintain relationships while ensuring payment.</p>
<p>Circumstances: For loyal clients with a positive payment history.</p>
<p>Subject: Your Invoice #[invoice number] is Pending</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We appreciate your continued business and wanted to remind you that invoice #[invoice number] for [amount] is pending.</p>
<p>We understand this may have been an oversight and kindly ask you to settle it at your earliest convenience.</p>
<p>Thank you for your prompt attention.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 9: Reminder with Legal Notice</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Initiate legal proceedings for recovery.</p>
<p>Circumstances: Last resort before legal action.</p>
<p>Subject: Legal Notice to Pay Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>This is a legal notice requiring the settlement of invoice #[invoice number] for [amount], issued on [date], within 8 days.</p>
<p>If payment is not received, we will be forced to pursue legal action. We hope for an amicable resolution.</p>
<p>Awaiting your prompt response.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 10: Follow-Up on Verbal Commitment</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Remind of a payment commitment made during a conversation.</p>
<p>Circumstances: When the client promised to pay but hasn’t.</p>
<p>Subject: Follow-Up on Your Commitment for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>Following our conversation on [date], you indicated that payment for invoice #[invoice number] of [amount] would be made by [promised date].</p>
<p>To date, we have not received this payment. Please let us know if there are any issues.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 11: Reminder After Extension Granted</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Follow-up after a grace period expires.</p>
<p>Circumstances: When the client fails to meet an agreed extension.</p>
<p>Subject: Extension Expired for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We granted an extension for the payment of invoice #[invoice number] for [amount], but the payment has not been received.</p>
<p>Please make the payment promptly to avoid further action.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 12: Reminder for International Clients</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Tailor communication to international clients.</p>
<p>Circumstances: When the client is located in another country.</p>
<p>Subject: Reminder Regarding Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Dear [Client’s Name],</p>
<p>I hope this message finds you well. We noticed that the payment for invoice #[invoice number], amounting to [amount], has not been received yet.</p>
<p>Please let us know if there are any issues or delays on your side. We look forward to settling this matter soon.</p>
<p>Kind regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 13: Reminder via Registered Mail</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Send an official reminder for critical invoices.</p>
<p>Circumstances: When emails have not yielded results.</p>
<p>Subject: Registered Mail for Unpaid Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We are writing regarding invoice #[invoice number] for [amount], issued on [date], which remains unpaid despite several reminders.</p>
<p>Please make payment within 10 days of receiving this letter.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 14: Personalized Reminder for High-Value Invoice</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Emphasize the significance of a large invoice.</p>
<p>Circumstances: For significant overdue amounts.</p>
<p>Subject: Urgent Payment Required for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We wish to draw your attention to invoice #[invoice number] for [amount], which is still unpaid. This amount represents a significant portion of our commercial relationship.</p>
<p>We kindly ask you to settle this amount at your earliest convenience.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 15: Reminder After Payment Rejection</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Address a failed transaction.</p>
<p>Circumstances: When payment was declined or rejected.</p>
<p>Subject: Payment Issue for Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>We have been informed that the payment for invoice #[invoice number] of [amount] was declined. Please verify your payment details and try again.</p>
<p>Feel free to contact us if you need assistance.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<p><strong>Template 16: Reminder for Soon-to-be-Prescribed Debt</strong></p>
<p>Objective: Make a last recovery attempt before the debt prescribes.</p>
<p>Circumstances: For debts nearing the legal prescription period.</p>
<p>Subject: Last Attempt to Settle Invoice #[invoice number]</p>
<p>Hello [Client&#39;s Name],</p>
<p>Invoice #[invoice number] for [amount] has been outstanding for some time and is approaching the legal prescription period. We would like to resolve this matter amicably.</p>
<p>Please contact us to discuss a solution.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>[Your Name]<br>[Your Company]</p>
<h2 id="faq">FAQ</h2>
<li><p>How often should follow-up reminders be sent?</p>
<p>It is generally advised to send the first reminder a few days after the due date and to follow up regularly every 7 to 14 days.</p>
<li><p>What should be done if a client does not respond to reminders?</p>
<p>If a client doesn’t respond, it may be helpful to try other communication methods, such as phone calls, before considering sending a registered letter.</p>
<li><p>How to handle a loyal client who pays late?</p>
<p>For loyal clients, it&#39;s often best to prioritize diplomacy and try to understand the reasons for the delay before taking firmer action.</p>
<li><p>Is it legal to apply late fees?</p>
<p>Yes, but this must be stipulated in the terms and conditions and clearly indicated on the initial invoice.</p>
<li><p>When is it appropriate to hire a debt collection agency?</p>
<p>If all internal recovery attempts fail, it may be wise to hire a collection agency, especially for significant amounts.</p>

Engage a Billabex virtual AI collaborator! Entrust it with all your follow-ups by email, phone, SMS, and mail. It responds to your clients intelligently, with tact and diplomacy until your invoices are paid.
Article written by
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Yassine Chabli
CEO and co-founder of Billabex. Serial entrepreneur in the SaaS world. Mentor at Moovjee, startup coach at the Institut Mines-Telecom (IMT) incubator, investor, and ambassador for France at saas.group.

Don’t worry about your invoices being paid anymore.