Legal Payment Terms for Invoices in France

Yassine Chabli

<p>In today&#39;s complex business environment, managing cash flow and maintaining positive relationships with suppliers and customers are crucial for companies&#39; success. One of the key aspects of this financial management is understanding the legal payment terms for invoices. In France, these terms are governed by strict regulations to ensure fairness and transparency in commercial transactions. This article delves into the legal framework of invoice payment terms in France, particularly focusing on Article L441-10 of the French Commercial Code, providing insights for business professionals, CEOs, administrative and financial managers, sales administrators, and debt collection agents. Don’t miss our <a href="">comprehensive guide on following up on unpaid invoices</a> and our <a href="">Legal Framework for Unpaid Invoices in France</a>.</p>
<h2 id="understanding-article-l441-10-of-the-french-commercial-code">Understanding Article L441-10 of the French Commercial Code</h2>
<p>Article L441-10, as amended by Ordinance No. 2019-359 of April 24, 2019, outlines the standard and maximum legal payment terms for invoices in France. This legislation aims to protect creditors and ensure prompt payment by establishing clear guidelines and penalties for non-compliance.</p>
<h3 id="key-provisions-of-article-l441-10">Key Provisions of Article L441-10</h3>
<li><p><strong>Standard Payment Terms</strong>:</p>
<li>By default, the payment term for sums due cannot exceed 30 days following the receipt of goods or completion of the requested service, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved.</li>
<li>The agreed payment term between parties should not exceed 60 days after the date of invoice issuance. Check out our detailed article on <a href="">late payment penalties in France</a>. </li>
<li>A maximum payment term of 45 days end-of-month from the invoice date can be agreed upon, provided this term is explicitly stipulated in the contract and does not constitute a clear abuse towards the creditor.</li>
<li><p><strong>Periodic Invoices</strong>:</p>
<li>For periodic invoices, as defined in paragraph 3 of Section I of Article 289 of the French Tax Code, the agreed payment term cannot exceed 45 days after the invoice date. </li>
<li><p><strong>Penalties for Late Payment</strong>:</p>
<li>The conditions of payment must include the terms and rate of late payment penalties, which are due the day after the payment date indicated on the invoice. The penalty rate cannot be lower than three times the legal interest rate.</li>
<li>The standard penalty rate is the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank on its most recent refinancing operation, increased by 10 percentage points.</li>
<li>An additional fixed compensation for recovery costs is due to the creditor if the amounts owed are paid late, as decreed by law. Check out our detailed article on <a href="">the flat-rate compensation for recovery costs in France</a>. If the recovery costs exceed this compensation, the creditor can claim additional compensation, provided they can justify the expenses. </li>
<li><p><strong>Verification Procedures</strong>:</p>
<li>If an acceptance or verification procedure is in place to certify the conformity of goods or services to the contract, the duration must not exceed 30 days from the date of receipt or service completion unless otherwise agreed upon, ensuring it does not constitute an abusive clause or practice.</li>
<h2 id="implications-for-businesses">Implications for Businesses</h2>
<h3 id="impact-on-cash-flow-and-business-relationships">Impact on Cash Flow and Business Relationships</h3>
<p>The legal payment terms defined by Article L441-10 play a crucial role in managing a company&#39;s cash flow. By adhering to these terms, businesses can maintain healthy relationships with their suppliers and customers. Timely payments help avoid unnecessary penalties and foster trust and collaboration.</p>
<h3 id="strategies-for-compliance">Strategies for Compliance</h3>
<p>To ensure compliance with French payment regulations, businesses should:</p>
<li><strong>Establish Clear Agreements</strong>: Clearly outline payment terms in contracts to avoid misunderstandings and disputes.</li>
<li><strong>Monitor Payment Schedules</strong>: Implement robust accounting systems to track invoice issuance and due dates, ensuring timely payments.</li>
<li><strong>Negotiate Favorable Terms</strong>: When possible, negotiate terms that align with your cash flow needs without breaching legal limits.</li>
<li><strong>Educate Financial Teams</strong>: Ensure that your administrative and financial staff are well-versed in French payment laws and the implications of non-compliance.</li>
<h3 id="legal-penalties-and-remedies">Legal Penalties and Remedies</h3>
<p>Failure to comply with the payment terms outlined in Article L441-10 can lead to significant penalties, including:</p>
<li><strong>Late Payment Penalties</strong>: As mentioned, these penalties are automatically due without the need for a reminder.</li>
<li><strong>Fixed Recovery Compensation</strong>: This compensation is a legal requirement, and failure to comply can result in additional financial burdens.</li>
<h2 id="the-role-of-debt-collection-agents">The Role of Debt Collection Agents</h2>
<p>Debt collection agents play a vital role in ensuring that businesses comply with payment terms. They are responsible for:</p>
<li><strong>Tracking Outstanding Invoices</strong>: Keeping a close eye on unpaid invoices and initiating timely follow-ups with debtors.</li>
<li><strong>Negotiating Payment Plans</strong>: Working with debtors to establish feasible payment plans that align with legal requirements.</li>
<li><strong>Enforcing Legal Penalties</strong>: Implementing penalties for late payments as per the contractual agreement and legal framework.</li>
<h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2>
<p>Understanding and adhering to the legal payment terms for invoices in France is essential for businesses to maintain financial stability and foster positive business relationships. Article L441-10 provides a clear framework that outlines these terms, ensuring that transactions are conducted fairly and transparently. By implementing effective strategies and working with experienced debt collection agents, businesses can navigate the complexities of invoice payments and avoid unnecessary penalties.</p>
<h2 id="faq">FAQ</h2>
<h3 id="1-what-are-the-standard-payment-terms-for-invoices-in-france-">1. What are the standard payment terms for invoices in France?</h3>
<p>The standard payment term is 30 days after the receipt of goods or completion of the service unless otherwise agreed upon. The agreed term should not exceed 60 days from the invoice date.</p>
<h3 id="2-can-payment-terms-be-extended-beyond-the-standard-period-">2. Can payment terms be extended beyond the standard period?</h3>
<p>Yes, payment terms can be extended to a maximum of 45 days end-of-month, provided this is explicitly stated in the contract and does not constitute an abuse towards the creditor.</p>
<h3 id="3-what-are-the-penalties-for-late-payments-">3. What are the penalties for late payments?</h3>
<p>Late payments incur penalties equal to the European Central Bank&#39;s interest rate plus 10 percentage points, and a fixed recovery compensation is also due.</p>
<h3 id="4-how-can-businesses-ensure-compliance-with-french-payment-laws-">4. How can businesses ensure compliance with French payment laws?</h3>
<p>Businesses should establish clear agreements, monitor payment schedules, negotiate favorable terms, and educate their financial teams about French payment regulations.</p>
<h3 id="5-what-role-do-debt-collection-agents-play-in-managing-invoice-payments-">5. What role do debt collection agents play in managing invoice payments?</h3>
<p>Debt collection agents track outstanding invoices, negotiate payment plans, and enforce legal penalties for late payments, ensuring compliance with payment terms.</p>

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Article written by
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Yassine Chabli
CEO and co-founder of Billabex. Serial entrepreneur in the SaaS world. Mentor at Moovjee, startup coach at the Institut Mines-Telecom (IMT) incubator, investor, and ambassador for France at

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